South Phoenix, Arizona Speed Traps
On Dobbins rd. between 7th st and 16st. by the Golf Course
A word to the wise should sufficient, when journeying on Dobbins, either East or West bound. The proficient motor officers take a position at the lowest level, either by the entrance into the residential homes on the north side of Dobbins. The speed limit is 35mph, and as you come into the area, your are on, and at an elevated knoll, so the radar officer only has to direct his radar-gun at you as you come down the incline towards his sights, primary during the early mornings and afternoons and evenings. With inclines, (west or east bound traffic) you automatically are increasing your speed. If you wish to test this site, just head that way, it is a nice short-cut, but deadly for irresponsible drivers who fail to check their speed.