Sun Lakes, Arizona Speed Traps
eastbound riggs road just before Arizona Avenue
if you are traveling eastbound on Riggs road, 800 feet before Arizona Ave, right before the McDonald’s, on the south side of riggs road, there is An indented dirt shoulder with fencing that is all of a sudden revealed after the trees and grass shoulder. the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office loves to back up there patrol car to the Western fence, thus completely hidden until you pass him and his radar trap.
Westbound Riggs Road just West of Glenburn drive.
this speed trap is a dandy! If you are traveling west bound on Riggs road, just after you cross Glenburn drive, on the north side of the street (to the right), after several trees, against a tall concrete block/brick wall that separates residences” backyards from the Riggs Rd traffic, a Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office marked patrol car with all lights off, waits for the unsuspecting. after the several trees,there is grassy knoll with no trees or shrubs were the patrol car parks. there are more trees a little bit west of the grassy knoll which makes this an excellent hiding spot for jonny law.
Riggs Road near Interstate I 10
State police, and sometimes Maricopa County police, hide in the unpaved extension of Price Road south of Riggs, a mile east of the I-10 intersection. The speed limit here is an unbelievably stupid 45 MPH (absolutely straight highway, no crossings or buildings in sight, perfect visability. Traffic is usually moving at about 65 MPH, picking up speed after leaving vicinity of Sun Lakes, though a few idiots do travel much faster. But the cops don’t care who they ticket, as long as they make their quota, I guess.