Gassville, Arkansas Speed Traps

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Buford Cutoff Road near Redbud Lane

Gassville, ArkansasNov 27, 20060 Comments

The city limits of Gassville (25 mph) extends much further than you would think. In addition, you’re traveling downhill and it is very difficult to maintain low speeds. Cops sit at the top of the hill and get you accelerating up hill or hide in a gravel drive and catch you on the down side (when you think you’re out of city limits).


Gassville, ArkansasMar 16, 20030 Comments

They usually sit right across from grocery store Wane’s,any time of day. They also sit At the library out side of Town on the left hand side, looking for evening rush hour speeders. Though lax on tickets, there still there so drive the speed limit.


Gassville, ArkansasMar 13, 20030 Comments

Beware of all of Gassville. From the Cotter water tower (western city limit) to the Golden Dragon store (east) there are about 20-25 places where they’ve been seen sitting. It includes gas stations, car washes, stores, Doctor’s office parking lots, fast food… BEWARE!!!

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