Guy, Arkansas Speed Traps
Hwy 25 Fire Department. The curve in the road.
The curve prior to the fire station is a hiding spot for police and the speed limit sign is not necessary to pass before they turn the blue lights on you and write a ticket for the sign’s speed before you even get a chance to pass the sign first.
I was going the correct speed and blue lights came on from the hiding corner, I then passed the sign at the correct speed and got a ticket for the speed I was going before I passed the sign.
US Highway 25 near Entire Town
If you are 1 mile over the speed limit, expect to be pulled over. It drops from 55 to 45 and then 35. They hide 25 feet over the road behind cars. They are very, very sneaky!
State Highway 25
This highway is one of the main routes to Greersferry lake and the police depatment in this small town goes nuts every holiday weekend. If you are pulling a camper or a boat be prepared to unload everything in it so they can go through all your supplies while you and your children stand on the side of the highway. It seems to me that haveing small children standing on the side of the road is dangerous. I have not been pulled over by these cops, I live there and see it every holiday.
State Highway 25 N
They have a cop that sits by a grave yard,behind a tree by the school and hidden inside the curve in the middle of the town.
US-29/71 Northbound
Trap is where the speed limit drops from 55mph to 35mph. Policeman will tell you he will reduce the ticket from reckless driving to just a speeding ticket. He is wrong telling you this.