Harrisburg, Arkansas Speed Traps

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State Highway 14

Harrisburg, ArkansasJun 03, 20080 Comments

(Between Harrisburg and Waldenburg) I drive this road almost daily. And almost daily I see a cop on the way to and from Harrisburg. Sometimes two on the road at the same time. They like to hide behind tree lines where you can see them till you pass them.


State Highway 14

Harrisburg, ArkansasJun 10, 20070 Comments

Traveling west on Hwy 14, from Hwy 163 junction, approaching Harrisburg, is a curve, just before you begin to descend a steep hill. Just over the Top of the hill, speed limit reduces from 45 to 35. Due to laws of physics, there is no way to reduce speed from 45 to 35 on a decline without braking sharply. Brake lights come on, blue lights come on. And their radar guns are not accurate. I was only doing the posted 45 when I came around the curve at the top of the hill, but didn’t brake sharply enough, so I was still going 43 mph when the police vehicle rounded the other curve at the bottom of the hill. He claimed I was doing 50, and refused to give me any information about his radar gun or when it was last calibrated. In talking with other people from miles around Harrisburg, I got the same response. It’s a definite speedtrap.

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