Lewisville, Arkansas Speed Traps

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Hwy 29 south of Lewisville Ar

Lewisville, ArkansasApr 10, 20170 Comments

19 mile stretch between Lewisville AR and Bradley AR………NOT ONE speed limit sign is posted on the Highway between these two towns. NOT ONE speed limit sign on the highway between Bradley Ar and the Arkansas State line on Hwy 29.
All the other Arkansas highways have speed limits posted ever few miles, or so!!

I wonder exactly what the speed is on these highways….or are we to just guess??
Technically, I guess they could write one a speeding ticket for 45mph. Or any speed!
Believe me ….these little County “wanna be” big time cops will write you a ticket for looking cross-eyed in order to generate $$$. Plus…..they really enjoy it!

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