Little Flock, Arkansas Speed Traps
Woods Lane and Highway 62
Little Flock police set a trap on Woods Lane just before Highway 62 on the very edge of their city jurisdiction. The speed limit sign says “25 IF children are present”, but they pull you over for going over 25 regardless, even if it’s night time. Google maps street view even shows a Little Flock patrol vehicle sitting there running the trap, that’s how much they sit there trapping people.
Woods Lane at Lost Springs Apartments
The Little Flock Police hide on private property and will bust anyone going even slightly over the posted limit of 25
Rocky Ridge Road and Spring Valley Road
Police cars hide at the city limits and catch you as you cross the line from Bentonville and from the east. Posted speed is 30 MPH on this empty stretch of country road. Virtually no tolerance.
N. Dixieland Avenue near Hudson Road
Just as you cross Hudson Rd going North on Dixieland, where the speed limit is 40, as soon as you cross the road you are in Little Flock and the speed limit is 25. They sit in that church parking lot especially at the 7:30 time frame and 4:30 time frame. No tolerance.
Woods Lane near State Route 62
Police cars hide at the town border and catch you as you cross the town line. Posted speed is 25 MPH, and should be 30 MPH. Virtually no tolerance.