Lowell, Arkansas Speed Traps

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Hwy 264 (W. Monroe AV) West of I-540 exit

Lowell, ArkansasSep 13, 20100 Comments

Police Car Sits in a field on the south side of the road. This road leads to NWA airport. Car sits very close to transition from 45 to 55 mph. Do not see until too late.

Highway 71 near World Gym

Lowell, ArkansasMar 12, 20100 Comments

Lowel Police set at night in vacant field with no lights on waiting for speeders. You cannot see them until its too late

Appleblossom Street near US Highway 71 Business

Lowell, ArkansasApr 25, 20080 Comments

County cop sits in church parking lot. Will pull you over for going 5 miles over the speedlimit.


Honeysuckle Street near Exit Number 81

Lowell, ArkansasDec 15, 20070 Comments

When topping the winding, steep hill going toward the Pleasant Grove Road stoplight, the speed limit is 25mph. It is almost impossible to even climb the steep hill at this speed. The officers wait at the top of the hill concealed by a large bush in a vacant house drive-way.

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