Menifee, Arkansas Speed Traps

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just off interstate 40 before arriving in Conway

Menifee, ArkansasMay 29, 20180 Comments

2 mile stretch of 45 MPH that is constantly patrolled by the small town police.

US Highway 64 near Interstate 40

Menifee, ArkansasMay 04, 20080 Comments

Police car with officer is always along Hwy 64 in Menifee, AR. He is in his car and uses radar. Do not speed over 35 mph or he will ticket you.


US Highway 64 near US Highway 64

Menifee, ArkansasDec 17, 20050 Comments

Most everyone that travels on Highway 64 through Menifee will get a ticket at some point.

Hwy 64 – All the way through town.

Menifee, ArkansasOct 28, 20030 Comments

It seems like everyone I know from Conway has a story about getting stopped in Menifee. The speed limit is 45 all the way through town. Set the cruise on 46.

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