Morrilton, Arkansas Speed Traps

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Morrilton, ArkansasMar 09, 20130 Comments

Along Highway 64 in Morrilton. Driving west, as you go beneath the Hwy 9 South overpass, police are frequently parked up beside businesses on the right side of the road (north) hidden from view until you’re right on top of them.


Morrilton, ArkansasMar 09, 20130 Comments

Highway 9 South between Waffle House and the Arkansas River bridge. Police park all along here at night in driveways, in front of businesses, or simply alongside the road. It’s a winding road with hills, so you can easily miss seeing a cop car parked openly next to the road until too late.

1st Interstate exit, coming from russellville

Morrilton, ArkansasJul 07, 20020 Comments

in between a contruction zone, & a 60 mph sign, they will try to get u for speeding before u evenget to the construction

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