Parkin, Arkansas Speed Traps

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hwy 64 parkin arkansas

Parkin, ArkansasMar 08, 20120 Comments

Having been forewarned, the wife and I traveled hwy 64 westbound from I-55 to Bald Knob and saw, firsthand, all the speed traps. The following day, we were eastbound, knowing where to expect them. When we approached Parkin, I slowed to 45, pointed and exclaimed, "there he is, the exact same spot he was sitting yesterday. He won’t be giving ME a ticket." I was wrong.
The officer wrote me for 59 in their 45. On TOP of that, he wrote the court date as being the day AFTER the real court date. If I had actually driven 9 hours back to Parkin to contest the ticket, they would already have a warrant for my arrest for failure to appear. This is more than a speed trap, it’s an outright criminal enterprise.

Hwy 64 W

Parkin, ArkansasOct 16, 20110 Comments

Pulled over for 64/55 and given an “Inattentive Driving” ticket. The officer called it an “inattentive driving” ticket, but I did not think it wise to argue with an armed and poorly educated man. $155 bucks straight to the city. They claim it won’t go on my record. Is that possible?

Hwy 64

Parkin, ArkansasJul 23, 20100 Comments

I was pulled for 8 mph over in a 55; the ticket was $155. They say it won’t count against your license and they won’t report it to insurance, which suggests they don’t believe it’s very credible (where else do you get a $155 ticket for 8 over?). Within 60 seconds (not exaggerating) of leaving me on the side of the road, the cop that pulled me over was stopped on the side of the road, maybe 150 yards down, with another person pulled over. There seems to be a lot of evidence suggesting that they’re just trying to bring in money to the town.

East side of Parkin

Parkin, ArkansasJun 27, 20100 Comments

I drive through Parkin everyday to and from work and have been pulled over several times. Once, was pulled over for doing 55-55, but the cop insisted it was a 45 zone. After several minutes of arguing with him, he finally gave in and knew I called him on his BS. Another time I was the 3rd vehicle in a line of 3. The two in front of me were going much faster than I was. I was only doing 55 because like I said, I drive through there twice a day. He pulled me over insisting I was doing 65. He let me off with a warning, despite me telling him he was wrong and didn’t know how to run radar. If you ever get a speeding ticket, ask to see his radar certification. If they don’t have it, the ticket is voided. This town will hire any deadbeat to be a "police officer".

State Highway 64

Parkin, ArkansasSep 24, 20091 Comments

The officers in Parkin are running Hwy 64 (in and out) of the city limits mostly on the east end of town. Between the county line and the city limits. Within the last two weeks it has been worked hard by the Parkin Police, people are being stopped and issued tickets for only 6 over the posted speed. The officer are using a Intensive Driving City Ord. so the money will so straight to the city and not the state. Drivers beware! If you come through Parkin, be careful; they will get you!

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