Parkin, Arkansas Speed Traps

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State Highway 64 E

Parkin, ArkansasJul 02, 20041 Comments

Police sit hidden by a row of trees near a store on the highway. The speed decreases from 65mph to 45mph in a short amount of distance. Three police cars followed me even though I stopped within 1/2 mile of the store and as soon as I noticed the lights and heard the siren. The officer was loud, gruff, and accusatory. He said I was 15 miles over the limit but he issued a ticket for 0-10 miles that cost me $125 and another for careless/prohibitive driving (he said I’d been swearving, but my passengers and I knew I hadn’t) that cost $105. My cousin who lives in Arkansas and travels that road frequently has recieved two tickets at that same location.

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