Wabbaseka, Arkansas Speed Traps

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The Town of Wabbaseka, AR

Wabbaseka, ArkansasJul 21, 20200 Comments

The entire town (population <250) on US 79 is a speed trap. They give no advance warning that the speed limit is dropping from 45 to 35, and there is only one speed limit sign in the entire town, so if you miss it you have no idea that it changed. Also the cops here pull you over claiming you are speeding when you really aren’t. The Wabbaseka cops pull over multiple people every single day.

One officer sits on Hwy 79 in the middle of town

Wabbaseka, ArkansasJun 16, 20150 Comments

One officer sits on the main highway through the small town of about 300 people. He writes tickets to everyone. I hit an animal in the road just under my headlight causing my headlight to go out about ten miles from this town. I explained this to him and he still wrote me a ticket. He said I should have had it towed or had someone bring me a headlight before driving through his town.

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