Penticton, British Columbia Speed Traps

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Top of Summerland Hill

Penticton, British ColumbiaJul 27, 20130 Comments

This is a laser speed trap at the very top of Summerland hill in a 60 kmph zone down from 90 kmph. Normally targeting north bound traffic. Hiding behind a Fruit stand sign.

Hwy 97 – both directions through Summerland

Penticton, British ColumbiaMar 17, 20100 Comments

The RCMP will sit in any of the fruit stands parking lots, (escpecially during the off-season) in the 60kph zones.

Hwy 97 between OK Falls and Penticton one mile from OK Falls turn off

Penticton, British ColumbiaJun 07, 20070 Comments

Across the road from The Gillespie Farm House which is on Hwy 97. This is about 1 mile south from the Vancouver/US border turnoff towards OK Falls, Oliver and Osoyoos BC

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