Arcadia, California Speed Traps

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Huntington Dr. & Baldwin Ave.

Arcadia, CaliforniaMay 18, 20100 Comments

So you’ve sped down Baldwin Ave. from the 210 Freeway exit, avoiding TWO speed traps and you know you want to make a left turn once you get to Huntington Dr., be careful there is another trap. This trap isn’t about speeding, but crossing a double yellow line to get into the left turn lane. The Motorcycle Officer will sit at the Fire Station on the left hand side and watch you to see if your tires cross the double yellow lines [any tire that crosses those dreaded lines and he will pull you over – that happened to me]. Another thing, don’t ever stop in the "Do not block" lane which is reserved for that Fire Station [I saw someone else get pulled over]. Be safe!

Southwest corner of Temple City Blvd and Duarte Rd.

Arcadia, CaliforniaApr 20, 20100 Comments

A motor officer sits either in the entrance to the church parking lot, or in a small driveway adjacent to the church on the south side. Radar is pointed toward Temple City Blvd, catching drivers going both north and south.

Foothill Boulevard near Baldwin Avenue

Arcadia, CaliforniaNov 26, 20070 Comments

An Arcadia patrol cars sits in the parking lot of the mormon church watching for drivers going well above the posted 45MPH speed limit.

Campus Drive near Santa Anita Avenue

Arcadia, CaliforniaNov 19, 20070 Comments

Officer in black and white patrol car will park between 2 parked cars and wait for someone to go speeding by. Enforcement op’s are during school days 10am-12pm. Officer usually gets 15 people a day.

Myrtle Ave/Peck Road near Live Oak Avenue

Arcadia, CaliforniaSep 30, 20071 Comments

This one is nasty, partly because five different departments (Monrovia PD, LACO Sheriff, Irwindale P.D., Arcadia P.D., El Monte P.D.) patrol the stretch of Myrtle/Peck between Duarte Rd. and Lower Azusa, and this route is commonly used to get to the 210 freeway. Tickets were handed out so frequently to people in my office that we eventually referred to recipients as members of the "Myrtle Club." Watch especially for the Sheriff’s Driver’s License checkpoints between Clark and Live Oak. Getting caught on that can add 15 minutes to your trip just to get through the ridiculous line.

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