Bakersfield, California Speed Traps

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Planz Road near Thompson Jr. High School

Bakersfield, CaliforniaJun 17, 20040 Comments

BPD Motorcycle Officer sits in alley behind apartments across from Thompson Jr. High or between parked cars on Planz across from the school.

Occasionally there will be one officer on each side of Planz.

State Highway 58 near Road Road

Bakersfield, CaliforniaMar 22, 20040 Comments

East bound on 58 from Mojave to Bakersfield. Sunday 06:45 am. Speed posted: 65 MPH / Radar Enforced.
Traffic was almost non-existant (3-5 mile spread). Citation circled MAX SPD 65 but sign states 65 MPH, not MAX 65 MPH. Cited at 92 MPH but was only short burst, average speed actually 74 MPH.

Eastbound Stockdale at the Kern River Bridge

Bakersfield, CaliforniaNov 21, 20030 Comments

AM/PM Rush hour and after dark a motorcycle officer sits at the river access driveway on the east side of the bridge. Radar is used on cars eastbound coming over the bridge. By the time you see him (dificult at night) it’s too late!

panama rd. east of buena vista rd.

Bakersfield, CaliforniaSep 19, 20030 Comments

3 motorcycles 1 radars 2 chase. hide under big shade tree in front of old farm house

North Chester Oildale/Bridge

Bakersfield, CaliforniaAug 30, 20031 Comments

South bound over bridge, City Motorcycle cop on downhill side, near billboard. Sometimes they pair up with another unit.

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