Chula Vista, California Speed Traps

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Westbound H Street near Interstate 805

Chula Vista, CaliforniaMar 14, 20080 Comments

Immediately after leaving Hi Way 805. City police hiding in private drive way

1st Avenue near 1st Avenue

Chula Vista, CaliforniaMar 14, 20081 Comments

30 MPH down hill towards Bonita

Interstate 805

Chula Vista, CaliforniaMar 14, 20080 Comments

cycled officers set up in driveways w/radar guns watching cars coming from the I805 direction, going downhill towards a traffic light, speeds going from 65-55-45(offramp)-25. Sometimes they stand in front of a tree where they can’t be seen

1700 E. Palomar Street near Santa Cora Avenue

Chula Vista, CaliforniaMar 05, 20080 Comments

watch out for CVPD Cops issuing tickets around this area. Usually they will target cars going by the Business District )(b/t Santa Cora Ave. and Vista Sonrisa Ave.) and since most cars consider it a 35MPH Main Road instead of 25MPH, they will most likely get caught in the act, remember E. Palomar St. Business District is set at JUST 25MPH!

Interstate 5 North near H Street

Chula Vista, CaliforniaFeb 27, 20080 Comments

This trap is located on the I5 north freeway, just as you pass H street. CHP car sits at the freeway entrance on H street. As you speed past the freeway entrance, your got. I’ve personally seen cars at different times of the day, getting pulled over by the CHP hiding at that spot.

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