Hawthorne, California Speed Traps
120th ST between Crenshaw and Prarie
This street is next to the "Hawthorne Municipal Airport" so there are no stop signs and is easy to go over the speed limit of 40 MPH even though driving safely. going west on 120th ST and nearly reaching Prairie cops frequently sit there with a radar gun ready to give speeding tickets.
Van Ness Avenue south of 120th
Going south on Van Ness Avenue just past 120th you will cross some railroad tracks and go over a slight crest in the street. On the right is a hidden entrance with a black wrought iron fence. Motorcycle cops frequently sit there with a radar gun. The speed limit is 35 but most people drive 45 to 50 in that area. Or sometimes the radar cop will be at the next intersection which is 128th Street. This occurs a several times a year and usually lasts three or four days. I suspect that several hundred tickets are written each time they do this.
Hawthorne Boulevard near US Highway 405South
If you’re traveling North on the 405 and exiting Hawthorne Blvd (South), you’ll exit on a ramp and run into a 3-lane stoplight. It almost seems natural to make a right-hand turn but alas, there’s a small sign that states "No Turn On Red". There’s a cop waiting at the parking lot next to the ramp exit waiting to ticket you. WATCH OUT!
135th Street near Crenshaw Boulevard
The stretch from El Segundo to 135th opens the door for high speed. Not only is this a speed trap but they are ready for you to go through the light. 135th is the only light between El Segundo Blvd and Rosecrans Blvd. a 2 mile stretch of road way.
Hawthorne Boulevard near Rosecrane Avenue
The whole Hawthorne Blvd section is 35mph, however the wide street and clear condition mean people generally drive around 45-50mph