Hermosa Beach, California Speed Traps

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US Highway PCH near Artesia Avenue

Hermosa Beach, CaliforniaMar 25, 20080 Comments

Bike cop sits in the Albertson’s parking lot on the SE corner after the northbound commuters. Was heavily used a few years ago, less so now.

Gould Street near Ardmore Drive

Hermosa Beach, CaliforniaOct 13, 20070 Comments

Heading West on Gould (coming down the hill after it chnges names from Artesia Blvd @ PCH) there are two spots the motorcycle officers will hide. First is on the right in the little street called Gould Terrace the other is down a bit futher on the left behind parked cars. They will get you going down hill towards the stop sign at Ardmore Street. My guess is they set up the trap when the city needs some easy tickets.

State Highway Pacific Coast near South of Aviation Boulevard

Hermosa Beach, CaliforniaMay 07, 20050 Comments

Motorcycle officer hides on side streets souht of Aviation (on West side) and nabs southbound motorist. Posted speed only 30 MPH on this 3 lane stretch. Especially prevelant early AM (6 to 9).

Aviation and Pacific Coast Highway

Hermosa Beach, CaliforniaDec 01, 20010 Comments

A cop sits in the Ralphs parking lot on a motorcycle. What happens is if you overshoot the official stop line, you can’t see the green arrow and you need that arrow to proceed going right on PCH. (No turn on red)The bulk of the traffic going left gets to go and you feel like an idiot sitting there, but you can’t see the arrow. You wait until you think the arrow MUST be on by now, but that’s not the case and you get nailed. I mean nailed. This jerk wrote me up for no insurance, refusing to look at my proof of insurance. Said I didn’t signal a lane change (I always signal for everything). If you say anything whatsoever, he adds something, he is worse than that cop Jackie Gleason played in the movies. Best thing is to keep yourself and your money out of Hermosa Beach. They don’t sell anything there you can’t get someplace else.

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