Martell, California Speed Traps

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Hwy 88 and Argonaut Ln

Martell, CaliforniaMar 15, 20110 Comments

They often sit in front of at Jon’s Pit Stop ans wait for speeders to come up from Jackson.

Latitude, Longitude

State Highway 49 near Railroad Crossing

Martell, CaliforniaAug 19, 20080 Comments

Amador County Sheriffs Department is sitting in a lot watching the 4 way stop sign (the only one on California Route 49 in town) on the right side just before the 4 way stop, going North its the next intersection when you pass safeway and just before the Junction of 49 and 88, going South its the first intersection when you exit off of California State Route 88, when you go through the intersection the lot will be in the left side going South. They are watching for speed, and checking to see if you make a full stop at the intersection, and cell phone usage while driving, among other things as well. Going south watch your speed while going down the hill before the intersection.

State Highway 88 near Burger King, Walmart

Martell, CaliforniaJul 25, 20080 Comments

Be careful when going through the area, CHP are always there waiting for you, very aggressive.Seen 7 cars pulled over in 2 weeks .

Highway 88 near cemetery before entering Martell

Martell, CaliforniaJul 16, 20020 Comments

Chippys sit behind brick walls in shade of trees at top of hill. Road is straigt, and narrows from 2 lanes in both directions to 1. Forget trying to pass at end of 2 lanes, you’ll get nailed, reasoning doesn’t work.

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