Mountain View, California Speed Traps
State Route W. El Camino Real near Jordan Avenue
On South Bound W. El Camino Real, between San Antonio and Rengstroff. Hiding near Jordon Ave. Speed limit is 35 mph. They will stop you for anything above 40 mph.
San Antonio Circle near Showers Drive
Motorcycle visual enforcement. They hide. Across from Bruce Bauer lumber, they wait for folks to Cal. rolling stop the sign. Complete stop absolutley needed.
Cuesta Drive near Campbell Avenue
On Cuesta Drive between El Monte and Springer Rd, there is often a MVPD car enforcing speed laws and the STOP sign on Cuesta and Campbell. Speed limit is only 25mph and traffic can easily go faster than that. Be especially aware when the school year starts in the late summer.
E. Middlefield Road near Whisman Road
Heading south on E. Middlefield, maybe halfway between Whisman and Ellis, they park behind bushes in the driveways of the businesses there. I’ve noticed them a lot on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Shoreline Boulevard near Steirlin Avenue
Traffic moves quickly coming down shoreline from the bridge over central expwy. Cops like to sit on Steirlin which merges onto Shoreline and pull people over for speeding. In addition, they will hide on Steirlin and if someone doesn’t come to a complete stop before merging they get pulled over.