Mountain View, California Speed Traps
State Route Highway 82 El Camino Real near State Highway Highway 85
The Mountain View police department has begun patrolling
El Camino Real from just east of the Highway 85 to Grant
Road. The are pulling over people for speeding and for
minor infractions (i.e., not coming to a "full" stop at
a red light). The cops are usually on motorcycles,
which makes them hard to see if they are parked in the
many strip malls in the area, or if there is even a
moderate amount of traffic.
El Camino Real, between Palo Alto and Mountain View
On El Camino Real, near the border of Palo Alto and Mountain View, a cop sits in a nearby parking lot. The speed limit changes at the city limits, so watch out! He nails for this, as well as anything he deems suspicious! When we were lost, we were pulled over and given a warning for making *legal* U-turns, just because we caught his attention on a quiet night.
Highway 85N just after the Fremont Ave Exit
There is a series of large bushes on the left side as you come over the grade. I have seen police cars and motorcycles parked in behind these bushes ready to tag moterists from behind.
Middlefield Road at Easy Street
Officer sits on motorcycle on North side of Easy St, measuring traffic speed on Middlefield Road. Due to trees along Middlefield Road, location is not visible to passing traffic.
Easy St is at the bottom of the overpass over Hwy 85, so vehicles on Eastbound Middlefield Road frequently exceed the 35 MPH speed limit.
Accidents are frequent on this corner as drivers pull from Easy onto Middlefield and have their view obstructed by the same trees that hide the officer.
There is a grade school and bus stop on this block, and at least one child has been hit on this intersection in the last year – so in addition to slowing down for monetary reasons, please be cautious for safety’s sake!
Hwy 237/El Camino (America’s Tire)
Cycle Cop sits in parking lot at America’s Tire Shop (before they open in the AM). Cars turing Right onto El Camino from 237 are pulled over for failure to stop. Cop has a nice hiding spot behind sign and is there all too often! Watch Out!