Newhall, California Speed Traps

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Newhall Avenue and Valle Del Oro

Newhall, CaliforniaMay 02, 20130 Comments

Two Sheriff motorcycle cops with Ka Band radar hiding on the drive way of the Douglas Furniture store enforcing speeders who goes beyond the posted 40 mph. These 2 guys are always there on weekdays during the morning rush hour.

Market St south of Newhall Ave

Newhall, CaliforniaJan 18, 20110 Comments

Sheriff’s cruiser or motorcycle waits at the side of the east bound lane just before the senior center at the bottom of the hill usually in the early AM. He is partially hidden from view as cars approach because of the hill.

Newhall Ave. near 16th

Newhall, CaliforniaJun 03, 20100 Comments

Sheriffs regularly park out of sight near intersection of Newhall Ave. and 16th and tag speeders coming up Newhall from the High School.

San Fernando Road

Newhall, CaliforniaOct 01, 20090 Comments

Motorcycle officer parked in the drive way of the Park and Ride, in the shade almost invisible on the north bound lane totally hidden on the south bound lanes.

Wiley Canyon Road near Wabuska Street

Newhall, CaliforniaOct 04, 20070 Comments

Motorcycle Sheriff deputy is parked in pullout on west side of Wiley Cyn around blind curve. Checks for 25 mph speed as cars exit school zone at Powell Dr. and for cars exceeding the 40mph limit south of the speed zone on Wiley Cyn. Typically there at end of month and end of quarter for quota fulfillment.

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