Nicasio, California Speed Traps

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Pt Reyes-Petaluma Road to town of Nicasio

Nicasio, CaliforniaAug 05, 20160 Comments

This is a smooth open road, LE will sit anywhere along shoulder with radar aiming at cars as they head into town – most often present during morning commute hours.

Lucas Valley Rd, between “BIG ROCK” & Nicasio Valley Rd

Nicasio, CaliforniaOct 19, 20110 Comments

Anywhere lately, from the “Big Rock” all the way to Nicasio Rd. at least 6 different spots are active CHP & Sheriff’s cars/motorcycles using instant radar on.

3838 to 5858 Lucas Valley Road

Nicasio, CaliforniaSep 28, 20110 Comments

Sheriff’s car with RADAR ON, sits in any pull out or driveway he can find lately.
Definitely be aware around 7 to 10am & 5 to 7pm especially. RADAR ON is difficult to spot because radar detectors only show it when it’s on, so if you don’t have anyone in front that he’s checking, you won’t see it until he has already read your speed.

5000 Lucas Valley Road

Nicasio, CaliforniaAug 23, 20110 Comments

Sheriff”s Dept. car tucks into turning on south side at 5000 Lucas Valley Road, radar on, got me heading west in the 8 -9 am slot but does east facing in the 5 – 7 pm slot. Also there’s a motorcycle cop with radar on closer to the freeway where it changes from 45 to 35. They are very busy with tickets on LVR lately.

Nicasio Resevior Road near nicasio middle school

Nicasio, CaliforniaApr 09, 20050 Comments

Right after you pass the middle school there is a speedlimit of 35 mph then it turns to 55mph about a hundred yards later. Routinely highway patrol sit in the trees about 50 yards from where it turns 55 and catch people doing 55 in a 35 zone. I witness this almost weekly paticularly on Sat. and Sun. mornings

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