San Juan Bautista, California Speed Traps
San Juan Bautista
Eastbound 152, one mile EAST of Highway 101, the speed limit changes from 65mph, to 55mph. California Highway Patrol park in the bushes on the right just past the 55mph sign and they have no mercy, especially at night.
In addition, there is a signal light about on quarter of a mile past this point where the the two lanes merge into one lane. The sign says NO PASSING and California Highway Patrol are at the intersection watching to see if you pass during this merge.
State Highway 156 near The Alameda Road
Right After Passing The mission of San Juan Bautista towards 101, As you accelerate over the ramp, cops will hide right where the 76 gas station is on the right.
In the opposite direction, towards Hollister, cops will hide across from the 76 gas station sign. Most drivers try and make the long distance light by driving 85 in a 55, you have been warned.