Vallejo, California Speed Traps

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780 frwy E/B just west of Columbus prkwy exit

Vallejo, CaliforniaApr 14, 20110 Comments

After passing the Glen Cove exit and coming downhill, CHP sits in car on a small bend just prior to Columbus off ramp. I have a beltronics that has alerted/saved me on at least 10 different occasions.

Benicia Road

Vallejo, CaliforniaSep 08, 20100 Comments

By Catholic school

American Canyon I-80 west and East

Vallejo, CaliforniaApr 26, 20101 Comments

CHP sit on top off on/off ramp both directions. They will sit there two are three in a row . As you go by they shoot down the on ramp. Everyday.

I 80 WB @ Columbus PKWY Exit

Vallejo, CaliforniaMar 14, 20101 Comments

CHP, Both bike and car sit under overpass in shady area radaring. Long downhill stretch easy to go to fast. By the time you see them it’s to late. 76 mph is a ticket.

Tuolumne Street near La Cienega Avenue

Vallejo, CaliforniaNov 14, 20070 Comments

On Tuolumne between Del Mar and Sereno Dr. As you pass the elementary school the motorcycle sits on La Cienega. It is a 30mph zone but is 25mph when school is in session, so they get you speeding in a school zone.

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