Ventura, California Speed Traps
Highway 126 at Briggs Road
He sits back from the overpass on the south side of the overpass, facing the 126 (North) roughly adjacent to the entry to the curve going onto the Eastbound 126.
He watches the Eastbound traffic and jumps on them if they are flying low.
126 Westbound at Wells
Car waits on 126 under the Wells Avenue overpass for cars to come speeding in from Santa Paula. Because of the angle of the overpass, you can’t see the car until you go by it.
SB 101 at Oxnard Blvd on-ramp
If you are traveling SB on the 101 and pass under the Oxnard Blvd Bridge be aware CHP will sit on the on ramp and picks you up on radar before you pass the ramp. Since the 101 curves to the right you cannot see him in your mirrors until you are at least ¼ mile ahead of him and by then he’s in pursuit.
101SB under the Hwy.33 overcrossing.
After the Hwy 33 off ramp right when the 3 lanes become 2 lanes there the CHP waits hidden by the support collumns of the 33 Freeway overpass.
Telegraph Road – 1 mi. eof Wells Road
I used to park W/B up close to the fence in front of an old doctor’s house. That allowed me to track E/B and W/B vehicles… often 70 and above on a 55 mph max speed road. After I retired, I gave the location to my successor. It was a great cherry patch and the doc loved the fact that I was nailing people for speed. He complained they made it dangerous to pull out of his driveway.