Westmoreland, California Speed Traps
State Highway 78/86 near Martin Road
When approaching the town of Westmoreland driving southbound (towards Brawley), the speed limit drops from 65MPH to 35MPH. About 1/10 of a mile or less before (driving southbound), there is a sign near Martin (Rd?) reading reduced speed 35 MPH. As soon as you pass the actual speed limit 35 MPH sign there is a Westmoreland PD waiting in the driveway of the truck stop or motel (I have seen him in both places). When driving northbound from Brawley, there are TWO reduced speed warning signs one about 1/4 mile from the actual speed limit and the second about 1/10 mile from the actual speed limit 35 sign. Just past the actual sign, there is a school on the west side of the street. There is a westmoreland PD in the driveway on the RIGHT side across the street from the school. (Double whammy for the school zone??)
Also have seen two westmoreland PD units in the parking lot on the west side of 78/86 of the big taco shop. Personally I make sure I am down to 30-35MPH by the time I pass the actual sign and all the way through town.