Arvada, Colorado Speed Traps

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Simms St., between 80th and 86th

Arvada, ColoradoNov 21, 20020 Comments

The police like to sit behind bushes at the top of the hill on Simms going south. Usually use motorcycles, and unmarked police cars. Will ticket for 37 and above.

Wadsworth and just before ralston

Arvada, ColoradoJul 30, 20020 Comments

South bound just as you go down the hill and under the RR bridge on the right side is often a cop. The speed limit is 40 so slow down as you approach the RR bridge as he’ll get you just as you pass under it.

7100 Block Carr

Arvada, ColoradoJul 26, 20020 Comments

Trap occurs where northbound Carr levels out after 1 mile uphill. If you do not take foot off of gas in time, you are caught. Also, southbound Carr has similar problem at top of Hackberry Hill.

8200 Block Kipling

Arvada, ColoradoJul 26, 20020 Comments

Speed trap occurs when Kipling levels out after climbing up from Little Dry Creek. Officers are well hidden and cannot be seen until you are withing 150 feet. By then it is too late. Southbound Kipling is fine.

9000 block West 74th Avenue

Arvada, ColoradoJul 26, 20020 Comments

Officers park on north side of street on either Garrison or Garland and are well hidden. Sometimes they park by red wall on south side of 74th Ave. I live nearby and see at least 10 tickets per week. Speed is 30 MPH and they ticket at 35.

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