Hudson, Colorado Speed Traps

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Love’s Travel Stop – Hwy 52 & I-76

Hudson, ColoradoJan 27, 20200 Comments

Not truly a speed trap but exiting Love’s (just N of I-76 on Hwy 52) through the wrong access (trying to turn left back to I-76) is an illegal turn.
Not well marked, especially at night. An officer sits back by the I-76/52 interchange watching in the middle of the night.
Of course, once one knows this, that mistake won’t be made again.

40.076617, -104.648753

East side of Hudson Rt 52Entering Westbound the limit dropsn

Hudson, ColoradoAug 19, 20120 Comments

approaching Westbound the limit drops to 30 with no warning. Patrol car with radar waits

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