Lyons, Colorado Speed Traps

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Lyons, Co.

Lyons, ColoradoSep 15, 20130 Comments

Right when you come out of the town which is 25 miles per hour, going up to Peaceful Valley, you get nabbed. This is totally a speed trap. What’s worse when I got there to my destination for a wedding, I found out that the Pastors wife also got a ticket about half hour after me, by the same Boulder Officer. How ironic. Same spot and same amount $120. This infuriated me totally. The Officer when I was speaking to him appeared to be very cocky and bragged how many people he catches each day. At least 10-15 per day. He stated he was going to give me a break and I asked what kind and of course he was smug and stated "Lady, I am giving you a break." I waited and when he came back he handed me the ticket. I never have received a ticket in all the years I have been driving, in fact I have commendations for being a good driver. I am also 63 years old. This definitely is a speed trap. I also went on Monday to the Clerks office and inquired how this is acceptable by Lyons Township. The Clerk who I spoke to was very polite and gave me phone numbers of the Sheriff, who is located next door. I asked her for an explanation as to how this town feels regarding this Speed trap and I also asked her who was responsible for allowing this. The answer is the Counsel members of Lyons. This is mainly for revenue. How can anyone fight this, especially when one is out of town. I would have fought this tooth and nail if I was not from out of town. This is so wrong I can’t even begin to describe it. But what is so wonderful is that we have the internet and we all can learn from this. The best way to punish this town is not spend a dime. Don’t go to the Restaurants, Gift Stores or anything else that might give them money. Go slow and remember there is a Speed trap in Lyons, Co., but do not stop and give them One Dollar. They need to feel that when visitors come thru that they need to be a friendly town to generate the right kind of Revenue, not leave a bad taste for out of town visitors. The prudent solution for Lyons Commity members is that they should look at the Reputation that they are building. It’s all over the Internet. I would have spend time and money in Lyons and perhaps more then $120, but as we all know Lyons is a greedy little town and makes it impossible to want to even go near it. Perhaps that is what they want. So, my friends, the best way to remedy this cold town is not go thru it but find another way. Shame on Lyons, for they are the most unfair and unfriendly town. Let’s hope this Blog, catches the Mayors attention and He/She realizes this is not a good way to treat Visitors.

Leaving Lyons going Towards Estes Park on 36

Lyons, ColoradoJun 16, 20110 Comments

Once you leave Lyons, when it turns to 35, and the double lane ends, there is often a cop up ahead in a business pull off. It easy to speed up to 45-50 after getting out of town, be careful cops are always right before the 45 mph speed limit sign

US 36; Driving East, Leaving Lyons

Lyons, ColoradoMar 28, 20110 Comments

In Lyons the speed limit is 25. As you exit Lyons, going east, I accelerated and crossed the speed limit sign (35 mph) going 38. I was given a ticket; the 35 mph limit doesn’t come into effect until after the sign. It’s 25 up until the sign.

Not to vent, but over the last two weeks since I have recieved the ticket … I have been flipped off twice by other motorists for driving too slow.

I don’t mind them rigorously enforcing the laws as you enter town … that’s public safety. But tickets as you leave town … and accelerate 20 – 30 feet too early … that’s revenue generation.

Hwy 36 and Hwy 7

Lyons, ColoradoApr 11, 20101 Comments

Yes, it’s a speed trap.

US Highway 36/7

Lyons, ColoradoMar 18, 20090 Comments

Be careful from the 25 mph sign on Highway 36 at the east of town to the 45 mph sign on the west. We were caught speeding on Hwy 7 just after turning left off of 66. There is a stop light there. When pull away from the light, you automatically want to speed up because it is an incline but, the speed limit is still 25. Stay at 25 for awhile after the light.

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