Chester, Connecticut Speed Traps

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Parking lot of the Parish Center Rte 154

Chester, ConnecticutDec 01, 20100 Comments

Across from St. Josephs Cath. Church at end of driveway of the Parish Center.

State Route 145 & 148 near cross Road

Chester, ConnecticutApr 23, 20040 Comments

Radar is used on rt 145 near the airport where the road becomes smooth and wide and also on rt 148 near the big rock which is a hiding spot. use radar here.

West Main Street/ Route 148

Chester, ConnecticutJul 19, 20020 Comments

Local officers and State Police, both in marked cars, as well as out of vehicles in driveways, etc., usually focusing on east-bound traffic. Neighborhood complaints heighten activity. Of particular note to those coming off Route 9 at Exit 6 and not being familiar with the 25 MPH speed limit and local enforcement.

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