Coventry, Connecticut Speed Traps

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Route 31, about 1 mi. S. of town

Coventry, ConnecticutJul 08, 20020 Comments

Coventry is a small, close-knit town that is in financial trouble, so they try to soak out-of-towners. I was stopped on a Sat. morning at 7 am. A local police car hides on the N-bound side of 31 and catches you on the downhill coming south. Speed limit is 45. BTW, if you are caught going over 60, it is considered "reckless driving" in CT, even if the limit is 65!

route 31

Coventry, ConnecticutJun 01, 20000 Comments

Local Coventry Police exploit lengthy straight of way where they know motorists drive faster than the 35mph speed limit.

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