Darien, Connecticut Speed Traps

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Mansfield Avenue/Mansfield Place/St. Nicholas Rd.

Darien, ConnecticutJul 21, 20110 Comments

Police car sitting on Mansfield Place catches speeders on Rt. 124/Mansfield Avenue. Beware! It’s easy to mistake Mansfield Ave. for just another state road between Rtes. 1 and 15, but it ain’t so–it’s a residential street with a strict 25-30mph speed limit, school crossings, and pedestrian/jogger/stroller traffic. Cops are NOT understanding about even minimal speeding here. Keep it at the limit or you’ll pay through your nose.

Boston Post Road

Darien, ConnecticutMar 24, 20110 Comments

This is after crossing the Norwalk line or recently exiting Exit 13 via Southbound. There is ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, a cop chillin’ across the street from the store Stitch in Time. The parking lot they are parked in is the one adjacent to Darien Discount Wines. If you are driving towards Darien, you will not see him until you pass because there is a tree/fence. KEEP YOUR SPEED AT 30MPH!!!!

RT. 106 Between the New Canaan town line and Greenwood Ave.

Darien, ConnecticutJul 16, 20100 Comments

They’ve been running this trap for a long time now. I recently noticed that they have begun using an unmarked white Dodge Charger. Previously, they had only used marked Crown Vic’s.

State Route 106 near Holmes School

Darien, ConnecticutMar 03, 20070 Comments

The speed limit along Hoyt St./106 is between 25-30mph. Near the Holmes School Darien cops are constantly staked out either in cars in the school parking lot or on motorcycles on one of the side streets across the way.

State Highway Old Kings near Wakeman Road

Darien, ConnecticutJul 16, 20060 Comments

Cop sits in this small corner on Wakeman Rd, waiting for people to speed. Stay at 25 mph!

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