East Windsor, Connecticut Speed Traps

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North Road between Golden Gavel Plaza and Main Street Broad,

East Windsor, ConnecticutMay 21, 20120 Comments

Local East Windsor Police lie in wait on. North Road along the 4-mile (4-5 stoplight) stretch between US I-91 exit 45 at Bridge Street and Main Street in Broad Brook.
During the day, local Police are busy moderating sewage construction. Work along the route with two Police cars sitting at either end of the Construction Zone to direct one-lane of traffic going in only one direction (one lane closed).
At night, Squad Cars sit on the roadside in the dark, along straigh-swayed on the stretch past most businesses and well past the CT Trolley Museum .monitoring traffic in areas posted from 35-45 MPH.
Most locals know the road well as a main thoroughfare between I-91 and Ellington/Enfield that cuts through parts of East Windsor and the small township of Broad Brook. Police will sit at the roadside in the dark (parties,Joseph late at night and early morning before peak commuting times makes speeding above 45-MPH impossible waging for the unexpecting passer-by.
Dark straight-swayed that lend themselves to higher speeds and down-hill areas are natural traps for waiting East Windsor Police – with little else to do but sit, wait and catch speeders – especially in Summer Months.
As a now 18-month resident of the area, barely a weeknight goes by (particularly closer to the weekend, when locals are more likely to hit bars and Adult Entertainment Venue “Mardi Gras” near the Trolley Museum ) that I don’t see a Police Car parked along the roadside in the dark, waiting.

I91 North at Exit 44

East Windsor, ConnecticutJan 03, 20110 Comments

Right after the Dexter Coffin Bridge, north bound on I91, car sits in shoulder with radar detector

Winkler Rd

East Windsor, ConnecticutJun 04, 20100 Comments

Police sit in an open dirt area very close to the trees right before/after the railroad tracks, making it very difficult to see until you turn the corner and slam on your brakes! Definitely watch your speed here.

Newberry Rd

East Windsor, ConnecticutMar 25, 20100 Comments

Likes to park near the new housing development near the Winkler Road end of Newberry. Nearly invisible while driving towards Winkler Road.

South Water St.

East Windsor, ConnecticutMar 20, 20101 Comments

25 MPH here. Police station around the corner.

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