Easton, Connecticut Speed Traps

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State Highway 59 near Merritt Parkway

Easton, ConnecticutJan 24, 20050 Comments

At the bottom of a long downhill on Sport Hill Road at the Fairfield border, Police will sit in Church entrance and cannot help but snag some speeders in the 35 MPH zone.

Black Rock Turnpike near Aspetuck Apple Barn

Easton, ConnecticutFeb 23, 20040 Comments

Sitting in the Aspetuck Apple Barn parking lots on either side of the road sometimes hiding sometimes in the open

Black Rock Turnpike near Easton Resevoir right before the big turn and passing zone where the speed limit changes 45 to 40mph

Easton, ConnecticutFeb 22, 20040 Comments

There are turn arounds on the north bound side, there are commonly cops hiding in them with laser ready to beat your radar detector and give you a ticket, they are both before a large turn as you enter Easton and after in the passing zone, also I have seen a fairfield cop back right before you enter easton waiting for speeders, they are looking to give out tickets and I live in easton and they give them out to townspeople no problem! you should be ok at 50 in the 45 and 45 to 50 in the 40, that is the common speed

Route 59 at Route 136 (Union Cemetery)

Easton, ConnecticutDec 14, 20020 Comments

Easton Police sit inside cemetary for a purpose to keep "ghost hunters" out of the cemetery. In the process, they set up the radar gun for traffic headed eastbound towards the Junction, and when you come around the corner (blindspot), your speed has been clocked in before you pass the church on your leFort

Sport Hill

Easton, ConnecticutOct 01, 20000 Comments

There is a Silver Hill resident that works as a State Officer and often stays inside the car in his driveway which is right off sport hill and silver hill road.

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