Jewett City, Connecticut Speed Traps

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Green Ave & N Main St

Jewett City, ConnecticutSep 06, 20090 Comments

Two sometimes three state troopers sit in this parking lot across from the pizza place. There have also been DEP Enforcement Officers sitting in that parking lot. Be careful approaching Jewett City at all costs. And when the speed on Route 12 changes from 45 to 25, you’d better be going 20 or you’re getting stopped.

Soule St & Main St

Jewett City, ConnecticutSep 06, 20090 Comments

There have been as many as 10 state troopers in this parking lot at once. To be honest they mostly park there to have breakfast at the diner across the street (5:30-6:00AM). However if you see a police vehicle there, slow down. They could be getting ready to leave, or eating in their cars and will interrupt breakfast for a traffic stop as their food is free anyways.

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