New Fairfield, Connecticut Speed Traps

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Route 37

New Fairfield, ConnecticutOct 04, 20140 Comments

Southbound, just north of Haviland Hollow Rd. turnoff. Police sit with radar especially between 7 and 9 a.m. weekdays.

State Route 37 near Saw Mill Road

New Fairfield, ConnecticutMar 02, 20080 Comments

Police run radar at night as this is the major access road leading into town. They sit in Harry’s house of tires or directly across the road and have clear site line to all oncoming traffic. Patrol officers are especially vigilant after 10 pm most nights.

State Route 39 Ball Pond Rd near Meadow Wood Farms Road

New Fairfield, ConnecticutOct 13, 20070 Comments

From Fairfield Drive to Harvest Road (Past Miltown) they are out, sometimes parking in private driveways. They do park on Harvest Rd, and in Meadowood Farms. I have a scanner…its unually evenings from 10pm til 3am.

State Route 39 near Town Park

New Fairfield, ConnecticutJul 13, 20060 Comments

They hide at either the entrance or exit of park and also across the street in the dirt parking lot. you will not see them until its to late

Barnum Road near Church and school

New Fairfield, ConnecticutFeb 25, 20050 Comments

new fairfield state trooper sits right by the church sometimes you cant even see him he never has his lights and will pull you over for anything

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