Wolcott, Connecticut Speed Traps

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State Route 322 near Center Street

Wolcott, ConnecticutJul 19, 20070 Comments

Multiple Police cruisers sit in the large driveway across from Wolcott Veterinary Clinic and stop cars going over 35 in the posted 30. It is on a corner and between two hills so cars tend to coast down up to 40-45 mph. They show some leniency when safety belts are buckled.

Main Road near Shelton Avenue

Wolcott, ConnecticutSep 09, 20060 Comments

On Meriden Road, between Shelton Ave and a Cumberland Farms gas station, police will set up in the lot of Vito’s Pizzaria or in a small lot next to it.

Woodtick Road near ST Pius Church

Wolcott, ConnecticutApr 05, 20040 Comments

They sit in te church parking lot looking for students going to and from school. Will get stopped for 5 over.

Rout 69

Wolcott, ConnecticutMay 21, 20030 Comments

Trap is at top and botom of large hill on wolcott Rd. in Wolcott.

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