Selbyville, Delaware Speed Traps

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State Route 54 near Buntings Mill Court

Selbyville, DelawareAug 09, 20070 Comments

marked police cars parked far off the highway in the bushes

State Route 17 near State Route 54

Selbyville, DelawareJul 03, 20070 Comments

Route 17 in Selbyville or anywhere in this town for that matter

State Route 54/20 near State Highway 54/20

Selbyville, DelawareJun 09, 20070 Comments

The speed trap occurs when entering Selbyville from Fenwick Island/Roxana. The speed limit goes from 50 to 35 to 25 over a very short distance.

A classic speed trap, the Selbyville PD must take in a small fortune at this location.

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