Cape Coral, Florida Speed Traps

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Santa Barbara Blvd & Pine Island Rd

Cape Coral, FloridaNov 03, 20090 Comments

This really is not about a speed trap yet another money making ticket. Cape Coral has alot of median grass areas which people use to drive across to turn around. Mostly in housing areas. I heard it was about $500.00. Technially we are not supposed to park or drive over these areas. I’ve been warned.

Skyline Boulevard near Veterans Memorial Parkway

Cape Coral, FloridaAug 17, 20080 Comments

Newer Unmarked Blue/Grey Charger waits in the median facing south to pounce northboud victims right before the Circle K which sits in between trfalgar and Veterans. Seen daily during the work week. Beware and stay ticket free!


Diplomat Parkway near US Highway 41

Cape Coral, FloridaMay 16, 20080 Comments

Diplomat Pkwy, between Del Prado Blvd & US 41, NE Cape. I regularly see cruisers parked on the median of this road at night, especially on weekend nights. Haven’t been pulled over yet – got my fingers crossed!


Surfside Boulevard near Veterans Parkway

Cape Coral, FloridaOct 29, 20070 Comments

Trap in on Surfside Blvd. between Veteran’s Parkway and Gleason. Both patrol vehicles and motorcycles are regularly used. Usually a minimum of three to four times a week.

Surfside Boulevard near Veterans Parkway

Cape Coral, FloridaOct 02, 20070 Comments

Surfside Blvd between Veterans Parkway and Beach….motorcycle and un marked units…..the speed limit was recently reduced from 45 to 35 …..more enforcement since the mayor built his house on Surfside

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