Clearwater, Florida Speed Traps
Corner of Lakeview and Missouri
When used as a school crossing the traffic going north on Missouri is blocked with orange cones from turning right onto Lakeview. If you continue north on Missouri and turn right at the Publix parking lot then right again to get back on Lakeview you will be ticketed for cutting across Publix lot.
West end of the Courtney Campbell Causeway RH side
M/C cop with laser sits near the Clearwater/Pinellas Suncoast Welcome Center located at 3350 Courtney Campbell Causeway.
Speed drops from 60mph to 50 then 40mph, 3 signs Pay attention
Landmark Rd between 580 and Enterprise
A cop sits in a bush and shoots his radar gun at you while two units sit in an off street waiting for the high sign from the cop with the radar gun!!! I call it cowardly they call it revenue…
Highway 19 south bound, near over pass at Gulf to Bay
Motorcycle cop behind the sign between 19 and end of the on ramp from frontage road. I’m $o $orry, I mu$t leave 45 additonal minute$ earlier for my meeting$ to avoid conge$ted traffic me$$e$ cop$ made, and they $tepped up enforcing $afety mea$ure$ for u$, concern$ about $afe keeping of the treasurie$ I believe.
hwy 19 and sunset point
As you pass over Sunset point while traveling south on hwy 19. Motorcyle with radar are hiding between Honey baked ham store and bookstore in the shopping mall on the west side. They will also get you on the access road running alongside hwy 19. They are there at least 3-4 times a month.