Coral Springs, Florida Speed Traps
Cardinal Road near Riverside Drive
Cardinal Road between 87th Avenue and Riverside Drive … posted at 25 MPH … will nab you at anything over 30 … usually southbound. They stand off to the side near the apartments._
University Drive near Royal Palm Boulevard
Motorcycle cop hiding in bushes on SE corner..
Westview Drive near Coral Springs Drive
Westview Drive, especially betweet Coral Springs Drive and University Drive, they sit in the medium, near North Springs Park. Speed limit is 35 which is way too low on a street with 4 lanes of traffic, no houses facing the street and sidewalks all along the street.
Sample Road near Sawgrass Expressway
On Sample road, right outside of Incredible Ice, they sit behind a welcome sign, or some sort of sign in the median, between Sawgrass Expressway and the entrance of Corprate Park. They radar down sample to people heading towards sawgrass.
School Zone, they sit there about every other week and 2-3 days at a time. Usually 2-3 Motorcycle cops, pulling over multiple people at a time._
Sample Road
right before the sawgrass about 3 times a week during school zones hours the hide behind the two big tree most of the tim their on bikes and you cant see them till they hit you with the radar