Cross City, Florida Speed Traps

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State Highway 19

Cross City, FloridaFeb 13, 20081 Comments

Car with lights flashing in center of road. Limit 30 mph, but inapparant school zone = 15 mph_

Hwy 19

Cross City, FloridaJan 01, 20030 Comments

Got speeding ticket for 55 mph in 35 mpg. I was 300 feet from the 45 mph sign coming out of 35 mph zone. Granted I was speeding, but why in the hell is the speed limit all the way down to 30 mph in Cross City on Hwy 19? It’s a four land highway with a dedicated turn lane. It’s 65 mph on either side of town. I had slowed way down and was just getting back going again. It was late at night and not a sole around. Clearly a speed trap for unsuspecting motorist aimed at proping up the tax base of some poor, rural, clueless city hall. The State needs to step in and stop this crap.

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