Gulf Breeze, Florida Speed Traps
Naval Live Oaks N.S.
2.5 mile stretch of National Sea Shore. It’s patrolled by NP police, FHP, Santa Rosa Sheriff, Gulf Breeze Police. Speed limit is 45…but you probably won’t get stopped under 55. BEWARE of the White Ford F-150 on the side of the road. It’s a GB Police asset. It has a cool bed mounted tool box that is really the police light suite.
The GB side of the 3 mile bridge is also bad…but that’s a survival tactic. GB is a busy town with lots of traffic, stoplights, schools, kids, bicycles, etc. It is very dangerous to go too fast…but the bridge is fast, wide open and the beach is near so too many cars come roaring off the bridge into town…the speed trap is a good thing in this case.
US Highway 98
It is always wise to look at the speed signs when driving anywhere on 98 in Santa Rosa and Escambia Counties, especially in Gulf Breeze. The speed changes before you get off the bridge. At one time you got a ticket and worked on weekends picking up trash off the beach when you got a ticket on the beach. I drive with my cruise control on over the Bridge because of the speed change. Don’t pass and you may not be noticed. Don’t be in a hurry. Enjoy the beautiful water and birds. The birds are also something to look out for on the bridge.
State Route 281 near State Highway 98
Law enforcement on top of bridge looking down over the bridge.
State Highway 98
Gulf Breeze is a city next to Pensacola, Florida, and is on the water by the Gulf of Mexico. Hwy 98 is the main artery. The Gulf Breeze City Police strictly enforce the speeding laws, which actually is okay with me because I live in Gulf Breeze, but anyone who commutes through town is fair game.
State Highway 98 near Between Pensacola & Pensacola Bch
This stretch of Hwy 98 for about 9 miles after crossing the bridge over Pensacola bay, is enforced by City Officers, Sheriffs Deputies, National Park Rangers, and State Troopers. This is one place not to speed. Posted limit in City limits is 35 and for the next 10 miles is 45 where normal traffic flow is 55-60.