Gulf Breeze, Florida Speed Traps

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Highway from Pensacola Beach to Gulf Breeze

Gulf Breeze, FloridaNov 13, 20030 Comments

For the past 25 years, I have lived on Pensacola Beach, and I drive through the City of Gulf Breeze every day, sometimes several time a day. I would suggest that Gulf Breeze is one of the worst speed traps in the United States. Last weekend, I counted three persons being written tickets as I drove the one mile stretch of road in Gulf Breeze which lies between the bridge to Pensacola Beach and the bridge to the City of Pensacola. The police have numerous unmarked cars, or cars without lights on the roofs of the vehicles. The entire police effort of the City of Gulf Breeze is devoted to trapping speeders, and tickets are issued each year by the thousands. East of city, but within the city limits is a three mile stretch of divided highway which runs through the Naval Live Oak Reservation, which is part of the Gulf Islands National Sea Shore. The speed limit on this limited access road is 45 miles per hour, and tickets are not only given by the City of Gulf Breeze, but also by a park ranger. While I’ve never gotten a ticket in Gulf Breeze, I feel that this city is taking advantage of the public by its overly strict enforcement. I hope some attorney sues the city for what is tantamount to public extortion.

Hwy. 98

Gulf Breeze, FloridaJun 15, 20020 Comments

I have lived and driven all over the USA and this community is one of the worst. Here’s the issue: The town is settled in between Pensacola and Pensacola Beach; both high tourist and traffic areas. There are no tourist sites in Gulf Breeze so they raise their city revenues through numerous speed traps. Get this: 10 mph over gets you a $200+ fine, 15 mph over gets you a $300 fine and 20 over … don’t ask! The top cop in the state for dui enforcement, a young guy works the bridge from Pensacola Beach to Gulf Breeze; he will stop you for no reason, no probable cause. He is rated No. 1 for dui arrests. The four lane divided highway to Destin has a 30 foot grass medium so the speed limit is 65 right? Wrong. 55? Wrong. Try 45 mph!! Very dangerous town intent on arresting you from bridge to bridge. LOOK OUT!

Beach Bridge into Gulf Breeze

Gulf Breeze, FloridaApr 04, 20020 Comments

the gulf breeze police sit in the exhanging turn lanes at the foot of the beach bridge with their lights off. with such a slow traffic flow there aren’t many people to pull over, but if you’re going over the 35mph speed limit (even 3-4 over) you will get a ticket.

Hwy 98 between Navarre and Pensacola Bridge

Gulf Breeze, FloridaAug 01, 20000 Comments

Beware of numerous police agencies, whether county or city. You cannot drive through this area without observing a constant flow of traffic stops, day or night. They use radar, pacing, and aircraft on the Pensacola Bridge. If you drive through this area often you will be stopped. BEWARE!!!!!

Hwy 98/Scenic Hwy 98

Gulf Breeze, FloridaJun 01, 20000 Comments

This entire no-crime community lies between Pensacola and Pensacola Beach and generates all of it’s revenue with speed traps. A Pensacola lawyer is currently suing this city for unjust entrapment and unfair ticketing of motorists. Since this suite has been filed, the police dept. has lightened up a bit but not completely. Watch out!

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