Key Biscayne, Florida Speed Traps

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Westwood Dr

Key Biscayne, FloridaSep 03, 20100 Comments

Between Harbor Dr and Alendalle

Crandon Blvd & Grand Bay Dr

Key Biscayne, FloridaJan 08, 20091 Comments

I’ve noticed that most of the locals will go below the posted speed limit when I gone through Key Biscayne to get to the park. My radar detector is buzzing whenever I am in that area and have seen a number of people getting tickets.

Rickenbacker Csway and Crandon Blvd.

Key Biscayne, FloridaSep 09, 20030 Comments

First bridge entering the key, usually people think that because they are in the bridge they cannot be reached by the radar, well think again! I got caught at a lausy 60 miles per hour, the speed limit is 45! on a 4 line highway! its really absurd, people get stopped every day at least 20 cars a day. All along rickenbacker and crandon Blvd. beware!

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