Marathon Key, Florida Speed Traps

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Going South on Overseas Highway (US1) as you enter Marathon.

Marathon Key, FloridaFeb 13, 20170 Comments

Going South before you enter Marathon you are traveling on a 2 lane road with a speed limit of 55MPH. As you enter Marathon the road becomes 4 lanes. The speed limit decreases and there is a police cruise stopped about 50 feet from the traffic light on the swale going south. Your attention is drawn to police cruiser and you start looking for the speed limit sign of which there is none. The Speed drops to 45 MPH quickly. However you will go through a quick red light equipped with a camera. You miss the light because you are looking at the Police Cruiser and need to obey the law to slow down for a police vehicle. You are trying to see what the accident or mishap is but before you know it you don’t have time to see the light. It is a setup and the cop has the ticket pre-printed to zap you with running a red light. You are trying to obey the law but it is a classic case of “Entrapment”. The Cruiser could easily be parked further south so as not to draw attention to it.

US Highway 1 near 11 Miles South of Marathon – South of Bahia Honda Bridge

Marathon Key, FloridaMay 05, 20080 Comments

2 FHP Troopers are hiding around a blind curve just South of Bahia Honda Bridge 11 miles south of Marathon where the road is 4 lanes divided with no cross traffic whatsoever and the speed limit is 55 mph where it should be at least 65 mph. Enforcement is strict and constant. (US1 Overseas Hwy.)


US Highway 1 near Mile Marker 47 – 49

Marathon Key, FloridaApr 21, 20080 Comments

From the Seven Mile Bridge North Bound as you approach the City of Marathon speed is reduced to 35 mph were Sheriff Police hide on Old Side of the Bridge West Side. The Radar check also starts South Bound on US and Mile marker 49 where speed is also reduced from 45 to 35 MPH

(Marathon Key – Florida Keys)


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