Okeechobee, Florida Speed Traps
Highway 70 west of Okeechobee city
Speed eastbound on SR70 changed from 60 to 50 coming into town. Motorcycle cop waits just downstream on left very frequently.
Florida Turnpike
Further out on SR 98 towards Sebring, a Statetrooper will sit off to the side of the road…Also out on the Turnpike, it runs through a portion of Okeechobee even though Okee. doesn’t have an offramp they still handout a load of tickets and arrests.
State Highway 441 near High School
Okeechobee High School is located right beside 441, so a 25 MPH “school zone”” is applied during school hours(early morning and early afternoon.) As many as 3 motorcycle cops have enforced this school zone. At least one is there almost everyday. “
State Highway 441 near park Street
City police and sheriff deputys sit in parking lots, in bushes, and driveways on curves also motorcycle police both city and county