Oldsmar, Florida Speed Traps

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Tampa Road near Racetrack Road

Oldsmar, FloridaNov 02, 20050 Comments

Pinellas County Deputies will hide on the East side of Tampa Road either at the Hess gas station or just further up the road on the same side to catch motorists in the far right lane as they try to pass all the other motorists going slow in the other lanes to the leFort Everyone generally will take the right lane to pass slower motorists as they approach the light at racetrack. Deputies have become aware of this and are giving many tickets so be careful.

Forest Lakes Road near Pine Avenue

Oldsmar, FloridaMay 15, 20050 Comments

Multiple sightings of cop cars. If you speed, expect to be caught. I have seen people pulled over atleast 7 of 10 times I have travelled on this road.

North end of SR. 584

Oldsmar, FloridaDec 14, 20020 Comments

In the median behind the bushes. Can’t see ’em till its too late!

Tampa Rd/ Forest Lakes Blvd

Oldsmar, FloridaDec 09, 20020 Comments

Pinellas Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit enforces speeds along this corridor on a regular basis. Watch out for “The Bear”” in the dark blue unmarked car.”

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